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The Cadbury Worldwide Hide is a virtual Easter egg hiding experience where you can hide an Easter egg anywhere in the world for someone you love. You can hide a virtual Easter egg for free on Google Maps Street View and share a personalised clue with your loved one to help them find their hidden Easter egg.

For any general Cadbury Worldwide Hide platform related inquiries/requests, please use this ‘Contact Us’ form (also available in footer links below). Please ensure you select ‘Product’ from the first drop down menu on the left of the page and ‘Promotion’ from the second drop down menu on the right of the page ahead of filling out the form to ensure your query is directed to the right party.

All eggs are hidden virtually on the Cadbury Worldwide Hide experience via Google Maps, participants are not encouraged to physically go and find the eggs in the real world.

Cadbury Worldwide Hide is only a virtual experience. Physical eggs can not be sent to anyone.

You have up until Monday 1st April 2024 to hide and find eggs.

No, you have one clue per egg hidden for your loved one, however you can hide as many eggs as you want on the Cadbury Worldwide Hide.

You can only hide one egg at a time, however you are able to use the Cadbury Worldwide Hide platform as many times as you wish.

Participating in The Cadbury Worldwide Hide is free.

Once your virtual Easter egg is hidden on the platform you are unable to change the placement or all-important clue.

For any general Cadbury Worldwide Hide platform related inquiries/requests, please use this ‘Contact Us’ form (also available in footer links below). Please ensure you select ‘Product’ from the first drop down menu on the left of the page and ‘Promotion’ from the second drop down menu on the right of the page ahead of filling out the form to ensure your query is directed to the right party.

If you've hidden the egg for your loved one, you'll receive a confirmation email that your egg has been hidden. In this email is a unique link which can be copy and pasted to share with your loved one. Please remember, there is only one egg and one link for one seeker.

You can also resend a clue to your loved one from the egg details page accessed through your egg dashboard.

Still having trouble? Please use this ‘Contact Us’ form (also available in footer links below). Please ensure you select ‘Product’ from the first drop down menu on the left of the page and ‘Promotion’ from the second drop down menu on the right of the page ahead of filling out the form to ensure your query is directed to the right party.

The hider will have shared your unique link with you directly.

Make sure you use your all important clue and the hint button on the Cadbury Worldwide Hide map. If the clue is a little too cryptic, try reaching out to your hider to see if they can give you any further information.

You'll still be able to find your egg until Monday 1st April 2024.

Yes and it's really easy! Just sign up with your email, tell us your name and you’re all done. You can start hiding an Easter egg straight away.

If you receive a notification that says your email address and/or password isn't recognised there are a couple of things worth checking:

  • Make sure you are using the same email address and password you signed up with
  • If you can't remember your password, click on the 'forgotten password' link on the sign in page. You'll be prompted to enter your email address and we'll send you an email with a link that will allow you to create a new password for your account.

It's very easy to get back into your account if you have forgotten your password. Go to the sign in page and click the ‘Forgot password?’ link and enter your email address. If we have an account that matches your email address we'll send an email with instructions on how to reset your password to that address.

Don’t forget to check your spam or junk folder if you can’t find the email.


Click the menu icon in the header at the top of the page and select ‘Marketing preferences’ from the menu.

On this page you'll be able to update whether you'd like to be kept in the loop with Cadbury’s latest news and competitions and offers. Once you've made the relevant changes, remember to click ‘Save’.

Please email using the same email you used to create your account, stating that you wish to have your Worldwide Hide account deleted. If you are looking to unsubscribe from Cadbury communications, please amend your preferences on the Marketing Preferences page.

For any general Cadbury Worldwide Hide platform related inquiries/requests, please use this ‘Contact Us’ form (also available in footer links below). Please ensure you select ‘Product’ from the first drop down menu on the left of the page and ‘Promotion’ from the second drop down menu on the right of the page ahead of filling out the form to ensure your query is directed to the right party.

Egg Dashboard

Once you are logged in, you can access your egg dashboard. Here you can find information about any eggs you have hidden and/or any eggs you have been asked to find.

Once you are logged in, access your egg dashboard and click on “View eggs” in the panel entitled ‘Hidden’. Here you can see a list of all the eggs you have hidden, simply click on an egg to find out more details.

Once you are logged in, access your egg dashboard and click on “View eggs” in the panel named “Seeking”. Here you can see a list of all the eggs you have been asked to find, simply click on an egg to find out more details.

Once you are logged in, access your egg dashboard and click on “View eggs” in the panel entitled ‘Hidden’. Here you can see a list of all the eggs you have been asked to find, simply click on the egg that you wish to send the clue again for, on the egg details screen you’ll see the options in the panel under the egg image.

Once someone has found your egg, you’ll receive an email informing you. You can also check by accessing your egg dashboard and viewing the egg details page for each of the eggs you have hidden, where you will be able to see the status.